Seeking Alternative Help – Trying to Solve the Mystery: Part 2

…Just under 7 weeks after losing my hearing, I went to consult with a chiropractor. I had never been to a chiropractor before and wanted to know his opinion about my situation. My boyfriend and I arrived for my initial consultation, and we were greeted with a handshake from a very professional-looking English guy. We immediately felt at ease. He had a calm and patient manner and listened to my story; asking relevant questions throughout. He was so refreshing to talk to and filled us with hope and optimism. None of the hospital specialists had shown any support of my theory that an issue with my neck or jaw could have contributed to my sudden hearing loss.

The chiropractor showed us a poster similar to this.

Note that the vertebrae C1 – C4 all have connections to the ear and hence to hearing. The chiropractor told us that it was completely plausible that a problem with my neck could be affecting my hearing; perhaps due to a restriction of blood flow or a problem affecting the auditory nerve. He obviously was interested in my case, and also showed great optimism, and pride in his work. He didn’t give us false hope. He said he could definitely help me. He felt my whole neck was ‘blocked’, and said he could help with this, and this could possibly, in turn, help me regain some hearing.

I continued to see the chiropractor. Each time he made similar adjustments to my neck and back. He helped me understand so much about the connections in the body, the nervous system, and how to maintain good spinal health. During one visit, he also told me a little about the history of chiropractic, something that I later looked up at home:

The history of chiropractic began in 1895 when Daniel David Palmer of Iowa performed the first chiropractic adjustment on a partially deaf janitor, Harvey Lillard. While Lillard was working without his shirt on in Palmers office, Lillard bent over to empty the trash can. Palmer noticed that Lillard had a vertebra out of position. He asked Lillard what happened, and Lillard replied, “I moved the wrong way, and I heard a ‘pop’ in my back, and that’s when I lost my hearing.” Palmer, who was also involved in many other natural healing philosophies, had Lillard lie face down on the floor and proceeded with the adjustment. The next day, Lillard told Palmer, “I can hear that rackets on the streets.” This experience led Palmer to open a school of chiropractic two years later. (Wikepedia)

So there is a direct link between chiropractic adjustments and the restoration of hearing, after hearing loss has been experienced!

I continue to see my chiropractor every few weeks now, and my neck is feeling much better. Although there has been no miracle cure, I am happy to know that I have taken the time to sort out a problem that I have lived with for so long, and will continue to practise good spinal health. I also continue to refuse to lose all hope in one day possibly experiencing some improvement in my condition. I’m not saying that I believe I will have a complete recovery, more that our bodies take time to heal and maybe one day things could improve for me or become more comfortable.

I also went to see an osteopath. He was an interesting man, who was obviously passionate about his work, and keen to continue to learn new things about the body. He also specialized in Chinese medicine. He took another different outlook on possible reasons for my hearing loss. It was my first time consulting with an osteopath. He asked me lots of general health questions about my digestion, whether I had bladder infections, and how well I sleep. He placed his hands on different parts of my body and said that there was a blocked channel of blood flow to my head. He also said that there was a problem with the membrane in my deaf ear. He placed little stickers on different parts of my body; some on my feet; white quartz stickers on my jaw next to my ear, which were positioned on acupuncture points; and mustard seeds on pressure points on my ear – relating to the ear, nervous system and jaw. I had to press the mustard seeds firmly throughout the day. During future visits, he also explained that he could feel my deaf ear was ‘impacted with pressure’. He did lots of things to help with blood flow to the ear; applying light pressure in different areas. He also talked about how the kidney is directly associated with hearing in Chinese medicine. The osteopath was obviously a very divergent thinker. Nevertheless, the little white stickers that he placed next to my ears did provide some relief from the ear pressure I experience. I also continue to stay in touch with him and see him every month or so. He finds my case interesting. He explained to me that he can easily fix something like tennis elbow, but my case was something he hadn’t seen before and it intrigued him. He enjoyed the challenge of exploring his manuals for possible methods of help and then putting these strategies into practice.  He also filled me with hope and said that if the doctors can’t find the answer, then maybe he can, or maybe a physiotherapist, or someone else. He urged me to never stop seeking help.

I continue to feel that whilst the hospital specialists still have no answer as to a reason for my loss of hearing, that it could be related to something skeletal or other ongoing issues with my body. Maybe just one factor or, possibly more likely, a few issues working together to have caused my hearing loss.


      1. Oh, Carly. Do they still say you have cochlear hydrops? Or have they come up with anything? I know your hearing loss is a mystery. Thinking of you through all of this.

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        1. One specialist said i do have hydrops and another specialist doesn’t agree with the diagnosis! Been seeing a maxillofacial specialist about my jaw also and waiting for some results…. Hopefully i will have some kind of answer in the end! Thank you x

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  1. I think its important to listen to your gut and if you feel like its skeletal it may be…I think our bodies have a way of telling us what is wrong. I am impressed with your persistence. I was told that my hearing loss is likely from ‘dead nerves’ but they really don’t have a clue, just that it happened…because I have no extra income I have been unable to explore it further but I do hope to one day get answers. I look forward to continuing to learn about your journey and what developments there may be! Stay positive 😀

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    1. Hello Sarah. Yes, i also think we should follow our instincts. I am very aware I’m not a doctor, but I want to know that i have explored as many possibilities as i am able to. I was diagnosed by one specialist with cochlear hydrops (that they said was probably the culprit of my loss of hearing) – but they said that something will have caused it, but they didn’t know what – it could be anything! Yes, it has cost me a lot of money and time and effort…I know I will have to stop one day…
      I am continuing with my own research though, and will let you know if i ever find any information that could help you too. Take care. Carly

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  2. Hi Carly, i wanted to let you know that you are not alone in your pursuit for an alternative cure to your current condition..i went through (been goin through still) the same process too..i have also long been under medication for several complicated medical concerns and it wasn’t easy…it was very hard. was very difficult. I am still fighting..and i hope to win the battle soon. However if i don’t, i know if i lose the battle i still have a war to fight…

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        1. Oh that’s so great you could find comfort in my posts. Before I lost my hearing i was always so private regarding any health issues. Now, after my sudden sensorineural hearing loss, i am telling the world about my health! It’s actually very liberating and i think its good to raise some awareness about these little known conditions. Thank you again for such a great comment. Carly

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  3. My heart goes out to you because my father experienced deafness throughout his adult life. I understand how difficult your situation is, but not hopeless. Prayers go out for an answer is found, and quickly

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  4. It’s interesting to learn how all parts of our body function seamlessly together and that we can’t really isolate any part in favour of the other. I believe with the diligent care and approaches you embark on an answer will be found. Be well.

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  5. You would benefit from A. R.T. treatment as well. A.R.T. stands for active release techniques; it addresses problems with the fascia, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves. I worked with the client, a breast cancer survivor, on her neck issues. She was deaf on one ear. One day she came to the office and told me that she was able to hear the church bells for the first time in five years! And it happened just in one month of weekly neck treatments.

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    1. Hello. This is so interesting and positive. Is this treatment something that a specialist of craniofacial rehabilitation could help with? I have an appointment in a few weeks with one…Thank you for sharing the story. It is stories like these that give me hope 🙂 Best wishes. Carly


      1. That should someone who is A.R.T. Certified. The best thing to do is to visit and find the practitioner in your area. But, first of all, read about this modality and get excited about what it can do for you 🙂

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  6. This post reminded me of the approach I have been persuing. The information I’ve received from MD’s is conflicting. One told me a direct injection of steroid into the ear was the best way to take it. Another expert told me there was no clinical evidence that this was more effective than oral steroids……..The literature on the web is equally conflicting.

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    1. Hello Butch, and thank you for your comment. I agree, the information i have been told by specialists and that which I have also read on the internet is all conflicting. There really isn’t enough research on the inner ear. It’s all very frustrating.
      Best wishes


      1. Hi Carly, I thought it best to reply to you here in case anyone like myself gleans any bit of information from the exchanges they see on the web. I certainly appreciate that people have to deal with much worse health issues than what i’m confronted with and I do keep that in mind. Having said that whatever one is personally afflicted with is the issue that is on your mind all the time. I had not realized how debilitating losing the hearing in my “good” ear was until it became impossible to understand conversation with my own family at the dinner table. I’m fortunate in that in my case the hearing seems to fluctuate and return to me. The fact that I already have diminished hearing in one ear just makes it a bit more of a crisis. I had been told for years that the hearing loss in my bad ear was “nerve damage” from repeated childh hood ear infections and I just accepted that diagnosis because I still had my “good” ear. I can accept that not every issue has a cure, that’s just the way things are but I want to pursue as much information as is currently available to really try to definitively know what is going on in my body. My current relapse has sharpened my focus and I’m going to continue to pursue assistance and do my own research. Reading about other peoples experiences like yours helps me know other things I can be asking about. I had really thought I’d found the answer for me when I found Dr. Fassano’s work. I’m still not sure if my recent problems are brought on by being “glutened” or if I’m dealing with a number of issues that all contribute to the loss of hearing and other symptoms. Thanks for hosting your blog and giving other people like this a forum.
        Best regards- Butch from New Hampshire

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        1. Hi Butch
          You are right. There are many difficult health issues that people have to deal with. Yet we all live in our own skin, and whatever issues people have, they may have to deal with them on a daily basis, and this can make them very tiring to manage.
          I, like you, am still on the search of what exactly is happening in my body to cause my ear issues – if we have more information, it means we can try to do more things to help make the ‘everyday’ a little easier. Tomorrow I will start my gluten free diet. I am going to trial it for a month, and record any changes. Please let me know if you have any helpful information about going gluten-free or anything you have noticed regarding gluten and hearing loss.
          I hope you are feeling ok today.
          Take care, Carly


  7. Hi Carly,
    I’m making my calls this morning to make a fresh start on my issues. I’ve decided to pursue a new ENT as I think the person I was seeing (while well intentioned) is not going to provide the depth of detail that I need. Her response when I asked about more in depth testing was to refer me to someone who in the end was of no help. I feel like I am far from having enough detail and information with regard to my hearing loss to be at the stage of just accepting it. I’ve made appointments with a new GP as well as a local audiologist for a consult. I’ve been trying out the “live listen” feature on my new Apple Ear Pods and while it may be useful for some situations I’m starting to accept that I need something better. Since I had the prednisone I’m at the end of my own 7 day course of that…..I’m concerned the prednisone while combating inflamation may make the body retain fluid which may be part of the problem in my inner ear….. With regard to the gluten free diet I have read no better book that Gluten Freedom by Dr. Fassano. His explanation for how susceptable individuals can develop inflamation anywhere in their body was an epiphany for me. Despite my current relapse I’m committed to staying gluten free. I’m fortunate that he practices in the Boston area and I’m planning on seeing him for a consult. I’m not sure if there is anything he can do for me but I’m committed to exploring every avenue. I’ve also come across and audiologist who just blows me away with his level of knowledge and I’ve been consuming his you tube video’s- Dr. Cliff R. Olsen. I’ve learned more from his video’s that some of the professionals I’ve seen.

    Thanks for allowing me the conversation. I wish you and everyone else reading success in their journey!

    Butch from NH

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    1. Hi Butch
      Thank you for the comment. I am sending you the best of luck with your new ENT doctor, and hope that they can provide you with some more information. I would be interested in hearing how things go for you over the next few months – please feel free to continue sharing your story 🙂
      Take care and best wishes

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